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Hey CoSo gardeners! My aunt has asked me if I can help her identify this plant in her garden. Erm, 'fraid not, lol. My app isn't picking anything up either. My uncle died recently and left her with an incredible garden and no knowledge of its secrets. Any ideas? 🌱 πŸ”

@BlueStateBabe @Cmnslivn Actually, I think she just posted that video, and I do subscribe to her channel - it was mostly a coincidence. ;)

@BlueStateBabe @Cmnslivn I think the "Sultan Deluxe" has the twisted plies, whereas the regular Sultan is the 4 strands.

I did find that if I was using the non-twisted Sultan (Cotton Kings), if I threaded it thru a 6/0 bead it would really really help. I'd still have to pay attention, but it made them go 'together' before it got to my hook/needle.

@Cmnslivn @BlueStateBabe I have purchased Hobbii yarn, and I am a fan.

If you look at their cakes, those are the long gradient yarns you were talking about. Watch for the difference between the Sultan (plied, no twist) and the Twister (plied and twisted). I found that the twisted version is a lot easier to work with on both the hook and the point. They are different materials, too, but 800-1K m is a ton of yarn to work with!

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@peterquirk I'd like to tell your RW friend that if I know someone who was diabetic and had hypertension and died of a car accident, I'm not going to blame his death on his conditions and will instead blame the drunk driver who t-boned him.


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@JV3MJD @atrupar I would love to have someone ask TFG that in a debate, and then have Biden look at him, and say, "Really. That's your answer."

Aaron Rupar @atrupar

Q: What can your administration do to give rural Americans better access to hospitals?

TRUMP: Well, we're gonna be helping rural America. You know, rural America votes for Trump.

@tgraph52 too bad you can't swim in the river due to e.coli and other bacterium.

I heard someone joke that it's so full of bad bugs you could almost walk on it.

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