In other news, there'l be a MAJOR announcement within the next, well, could be few hours, could be a couple of days regarding a feature a LOT of you have been asking for. It'll be available for the browser and official app, and you will NOT need a PRO account to activate it.
Stay tuned, @status will announce when the final wrinkles have been ironed out.
Today in 1976, George Harrison appeared as a musical guest on SNL alongside host Paul Simon. The two performed "Here Comes the Sun" and "Homeward Bound"
We could write a lengthy "HOW STUFF WORKS" post that sheds light on what happens when website infrastructure is suddenly inundated with tens of thousands of new users, but it would frankly be very boring.
Instead, we will simply ask once again for your patience as we work to rapidly expand and remind you that growing pains are not unique to CounterSocial. #CoSoTips
Hundreds of Protesters in Iran Blinded by Metal Pellets and Rubber Bullets(NYT -no pay)
So it turns out all that time Republicans were calling for Supreme Court leakers to resign and be sent to prison, they didn’t realize they were talking about right-wing Justice Samuel Alito. #politics
FBI director ‘very concerned’ by reports of secret Chinese police stations in US
CounterSocial isn't Twitter.
It isn't Mastodon either.
That's the whole point. #CoSoTips
ANNOUNCE: The new user guide is now live and available via and the 'help' option in the extended right hand menu. Further any link to the PDF will now redirect to the new documentation.
Big thanks to all who helped on the original PDF and huge thanks to @phase along with @CJLavoie, @Amyfb, @bluesbaby, @Janet, @Minholkin, @kel, @MrGoat, @realDDGlover, and others for volunteering their time, expertise, and wisdom for the creation of this new guide.
Are you experiencing glitches or other issues using CounterSocial?
It isn't just you. We are currently experiencing a massive influx of new users. We genuinely can't explain it either. It's a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, ensconced inside of an enigma, cold-pressed through a malevolent billionaire's hubris. #CoSoTips
#recipes Flour Tortillas:
4 Cups all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 Tbsp lard (or vegetable shortening)
1.5 Cups water
Whisk flour, salt, baking powder in bowl. Mix in lard w/fingers or dough whisk til mix resembles cornmeal. Add water & mix til dough comes together. Place on lightly floured surface. Knead til elastic. Divide dough into 24 equal pieces & roll into balls. (1/2)
⚠️ Friendly Reminder ⚠️
CounterSocial has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to community abuse. Our Term of Service are quite clear, but in the off chance that you didn't read those, let us distill it for you:
Do not be an a**hole. #CoSoTips
Are you trying to think of something yummy for today? Well today is National Nachos Day!
If you get an error trying to access this place, take it as a good sign. We're adding capacity for our new friends and making CounterSocial better than ever.
Try back later. Outages here never last long. #CoSoTips
Are you curious about the culture here? Here's a primer.
1. We don't care about like or follower counts. Just be yourself.
2. We can be political, but we aren't zealots. Mutual respect reigns supreme here.
3. We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to community abuse. Trolls are dealt with immediately.
4. We do not frown upon mutes or blocks. People are like flavors. You won't like them all and they won't all like you. Use the tools. #CoSoTips
As the saying goes, sht happens. 🤷♀️ 😂
The U.S. Air Force claims that a pilot flying a KC-135 aerial tanker didn’t intend to fly a penis pattern in front of a Russian naval base in Tartus, Syria earlier this week.
US Navy carrier U.S.S. George H.M. Bush (CVN 77) has anchored in Split, Croatia.
Together with 101st US Airborne Division in Romania a decent amount of US fire power has positioned in Southeast Europe, ready to engage anything in Ukraine or the Black Sea.
ExGOP. Texan. Retired Domestic Engineer.