
Hi! I'm John.

In no particular order, I'm a:
☁️⌨️ cloud platform engineer (, , )
🚀🇺🇸 rocket city denizen
🛠️ chronic tinkerer
:transpride: ally
🏎️ racer ()
🎮 gamer ()
🐾 dog dad to two bostons ()
🔑 casual lock picker
👾📺📚 fan
🎵music lover ()

@john_b Welcome John. Looks like you've already found some of the groups you'll want to be engaged with, and always keep an eye on the Community Firehose for more.
Make yourself at home, it's a pretty friendly bunch.

@RazzleDK1 Thanks!

I've been around for a bit - just figured I needed a new pinned intro post :)

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