We are pretty rude to conspiracy-minded asshats who are fueled by toxic outrage and cannot think for themselves, because f*ck those people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Throw a rock and you'll hit a social where their brand of bullshit is not only commonplace, but is also encouraged.

It's awesome that it has no quarter here.

I've recently blocked a slew of people who have opted to abstain from conflict and instead spend their time mewling about hate.

They do not understand.

It isn't people that are worthy of hatred. It is their behavior, and loathing it is nothing less than a paramount civic responsibility. Why? Because intolerance is everyone's enemy.

The targets of that righteous ire? They can stop behaving like monsters and rejoin society at any time. Till then, f*ck 'em.


@kel If it's behavior that's our concern, why are we not going full force after the mate mongers, lie spreaders, & election deniers. The behavior of the right wing is completely intolerable.

@jjGravitas It doesn't only exist on the right. It spans political bent.

The tired partisan arguments—while often well intended—actually fuel and further the exact sort of intolerance that I am talking about.

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