The Great Annihilator is a Milky Way microquasar, located near the Galactic Center on the sky. It likely consists of a black hole and a companion star. It is one of the brightest X-ray sources in the region around the Galactic Center.

well fuck, the exotic matter containment field has failed

and the cat is playing with a feather

this is all fine

i think ima steal a spaceship in the very near future

who's got bail money???



there must be some fluxuation in the local temporal mechanics

cuz today was too fuckin long

i did not shadowban lilly to teach her a lesson about blinking angels

despite what mary says


i am @jedijester

i travel in space and time

i make robots

i play with magic

i fucking curse, a lot

friends, be happy!

we now have free, never ending wine



going comms dark

the cupids were a decoy

the easter bunnies are staging a coup

stay frosty

so i was just chatting with Dante

we are gonna need a 10th circle

and hes totally cool with it

i have returned!

2018 is now cut off from the timeline

it can never hurt you again


where are my monsters, freaks, and geeks

and the normal people too

you can come

i had to go back and hide Atlantis AGAIN

little humans are getting closer!

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