@IsaacOfTheWeb hello I’m not
Welcome there’s tea on the stove Jester is in the study and all the CoSonauts are rummaging around the house.
@GaryPoole when they made a movie about a tribe isolated on an island whose only contacts with the outside world are a vicious gang who forces them via extortion into slave labor.
In a fit of desperation they exile their most unpopular member who seeks to redeem himself by deceiving a group of performers via his own ignorance and ego into futile combat with said vicious gang.
@SilenceDogood CoSo is based on Mastodon I think but I don’t know if it’s connected to the Fediverse. Mastodon is a bit more complex but very similar.
@d_whiteplume uh oh you’ve been telling lies
@th3j35t3r well since Brendan Fraser is back why not?
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