@CriticalCupcake Castle Gwynn at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival Way back before it was a thing.
@AFinLA as long as they continue to fail to see the reasons why they lost I’m OK with that except for the fact that they are going after voting instead of just realizing they have shitty views.
@Waldo06 The Republican Version 🎶
This land is my land
that land is my land
Since I have more wealth
I take it by stealth
You're of the needy
I'm of the greedy
Pushing the just work harder lie
So we all can have plutocracy
@WILDKATZ fan made..not real. The movie is still in pre-production. You can find out more about it here https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21357150/
@StephanieResists waaaaaitaminute isn't that an invocation for the dead?
@KayElleKathie YAY!
If I'm being overly friendly that's how we roll here.
@Godlesswh_re I always asked twice once before we began and then again once we were naked and afterwards just holding her making sure she and I both felt cherished and safe.
How Great American Family network fails to beat Hallmark in the Christmas movie game even with 500% more Jesus.
Liberals respect diversity of ideas provided those same ideas reciprocate a respect for diversity. Conservatism no longer respects diversity so it by that act must be rejected by those who truly and honestly respect tolerance.
Secular Humanist | Liberal | Futurist | IDIC | Green Investor | Technologist | Slava Ukraini | I ♥️ Katie