@Redskye572 This was one of my first adult lessons at work. There is no reward for being generous to others but its own reward. And I learned to never expect anyone to give me an inch after I volunteered to give them a mile.
@DarkeConteur This sounds liike a wondeful day! Enjoy!
@GrumpyWolf That sounds so good. But as an elderly person I am not going anywhere near that. And my butt is gonna be aflame just reading this.
@thewebrecluse Thank you and bless you.
@thewebrecluse Are you familiar with Miike? If its anything like his early project, this series should be interesting
@rleebyers I can answer this!
You really don't want me to answer this. Trust.
@Thumprhare I need this for when I have my "special" days. My grannie would tell me I'm special when I did something dumb, as kids do. Now: a lot of little things I catch myself doing and say to myself "DFU Mode today, huh, dude?"
@LiberalLibrarian He's been in a lot of inspirational films. They even made a movie based on his life called Dunkirk. And he directed a little known film, Titanic.
Huh. Found out that lots of folks hate Ted Cruz. And they decided to go after his family. That's not cool. Hate on the dude. He's thrives off it. Its his thing. But children are frikkin off limits. #mentalhealth #cosokids
@EdgeOErin (Thanks for understanding it was a joke. Humor sometimes doesnt carry over well!)
@EdgeOErin Thank you. Honestly, it was stressful looking, applying and interviewing. But so far I really feel like I found a good fit. So thank you.
@RobJ_ My mother spent time in a memory care home and they were very kind to her. For reasons, it was the best place for her. My heart goes out to you.
@Florence Would you mind? There's an intelligence officer I met once in Belarus. See if you can find his secret quiche recipe.
@EdgeOErin I dont think this is funny. That's not how you use mittens. And they take forever to get all my fingers in.
@sheseala This has to be a book somewhere. Or a movie.
@Fellixe Hey, Im also Portland adjacent. And for a neighborhood that has a Hawaiian name, its certainly a bit frosty this morning!
@mikeflstfi His music is incredible
@thewebrecluse I'm very sorry you had to go through that.
My handle is jackge but as you can see I am using RHSJack here.