@Rezn8Zero Is it in an airport? That feels even more depressing and poorly named.
This is so sad & disgusting & unacceptable. It is absurd that police are expected to be unquestioningly revered as ever-brave, but every time an officer kills an unarmed civilian, we're supposed to believe he was terrified for his life. It can't be both ways. Either stop claiming to be so darned brave or behave bravely. Women walking alone while small and vulnerable and female manage to be around big, male strangers every fucking day without killing them. Some men need to grow pussy. @DeidShaw
RT @[email protected]: One-third of all people killed by strangers in America are killed by police. 97% of the officers are not charged with a crime, 99% are not convicted. Even in the most egregious cases the system refuses to hold police accountable: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/12/08/graphic-video-shows-daniel-shaver-sobbing-and-begging-officer-for-his-life-before-2016-shooting/?utm_term=.9cc8545460f3
I didn't even know this was possible. An artist who does amazing Japanese landscapes using MS Excel. Holy freakin hell, great story and awesome work.
I have zero room left for a traditional Christmas tree in our small, urban home. This is my attempt (but I'm not done decorating it yet). Hoping my family finds it sufficiently festive. It's a cyprus that fit my criteria: alive, small enough to sit on a table, not scraggly. Anyone got other *good* tree suggestions for tight quarters?
@jordicusmaximus @GroovySooz @TheAbbotTrithemius @dawnling @mayday @kel @infospectives So...could I wade in here and propose a line of discussion that I think is important and not often discussed? If so, first I'd ask @noghiri to expand the argument that abortion is hard to separate from infanticide and homicide. I don't want to put words in your mouth but if you could explain your POV more on that--especially, say, as it pertains to the first half of pregnancy?
@GroovySooz Yes, I agree.
Wait a minute. This is still social media. Why are we agreeing about anything? We should hurling insults! We should be foaming at the mouth with apoplectic outrage! How come no one called anyone else a cuck!? WHAT IS HAPPENING!?
@GroovySooz @kel @mayday @TheAbbotTrithemius @dawnling But there's absolutely a way, given that a big, reliable majority of Americans supports at least some legal right to elective abortion.
@TheAbbotTrithemius Honestly? A public relations campaign.
Why don't Democrats put their money where theirs mouths are? They support salient gun control, so why not fundraise for local municipalities so that they can host buy-back programs? Why not become champions for charities that are aligned with progressive ideals?
The lefts spends an inordinate amount of time trying to craft the next 'gotcha' on GOP policy, but how much worse do they need to make it look, really?
Okay, so is it that his hands are tiny or that his fingers are bizarrely short? Here's a still shot off TV and for comparison, my own hand. In proportion to his palm, aren't his finger really odd looking?
@Render Oh reeeeeally? Well I have been nose down at work all day and would love for someone to generously catch me up if they feel like it (yes, I know about Moscow Mike).
Did someone spoof your name to submit anti-Net Neutrality comments to the FCC. The NY Attorney General would like you to check and speak up, if so! https://ag.ny.gov/fakecomments
Robo calls to intimidate those who speak out against Trump? Ugh. https://gizmodo.com/people-are-getting-robocalls-about-their-derogatory-t-1820819203
@800Trollfree That you, Billy?
There are so many wonderful men, and like you said, even men who were raised with terrible examples very often turn out amazingly well. There's been so much progress even in my own lifetime toward culture reflecting the natural, inherent equality of humans who happen to be female to humans who happen to be male. But we women remain very unequal in culture in significant ways and sometimes it hurts and offends so deeply that I can hardly contain my fury. Argh! :)
@Rezn8Zero @_Stages_
I was trying to express something that strikes me as inherently misogynist about people lauding a young male child for doing something that were a female child his age to do it would immediately be called out as inappropriate.
What's a "white party"? @Rezn8Zero @_Stages_
I've no prob w/kids playing w/makeup or doing whatever in a child-safe env. I love makeup. My kids like to watch me; the older one loves me to do her make-up. She's several yrs older than the boy in the pics but all she may wear outside of home or drama club is pink chapstick.
OTOH I confess to another kind of anger here: I wonder if sexism is so friggin entrenched that in an era of gender openness/acceptance, XY-girls will blithely do what XX-girls are still denied. @Rezn8Zero @_Stages_
Yeah, I think it's so messed up that 10-year olds are lauded for this. And if mass media's take is that it's disturbing sexualization if the child is a female but...*anything else* if the child isn't a female. Graaaaah!!! Just makes me want to scream. @Rezn8Zero @_Stages_ @th3j35t3r
Is this different from little girls being sexualized in kiddie pageants and all that?
I think it's awful and wrong and also not different from Honey Booboo etc. If Yahoo should burn for this (maybe they should), so should all the places that do the same with any child, any gender.
@Rezn8Zero @_Stages_ @th3j35t3r
I'm so tired. But I love the world.