
Check the carrots in your fridges!

One dead and dozens infected in E coli outbreak linked to organic carrots in US

California-based Grimmway Farms recalls carrots amid 39 reported illnesses in 18 states, including 15 hospitalizations

@guinnessphil I have no carrots in my home. I grow my own E coli. 😁


Quote "Grimmway Farms’ recalled products include its organic whole carrots which were available for purchase at retail stores from 14 August through 23 October 2024, as well as organic baby carrots with best-if-used-by dates between 11 September and 12 November 2024."

And they're telling us NOW. 🙄🙄🙄

@Liliki @guinnessphil
If you think this is bad, after they finish dismantling oversight, they won't even bother to tell you even after the fact.
Which is making me nervous about groceries going forward.

@Liliki @guinnessphil
Who removes the regulations on farms that let them lazy enough to poison our food? The GOP, that's who. And who did we just vote into the White House? The worst of the GOP.

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