Biden rolls out migration order that aims to shut down asylum requests, after months of anticipation
@gemswinc who would be the best women President that could get elected to fix the border problem?
@ApostatePerry Congress has to fix the border problem. No significant legislation since the 1990s, I read. Political football
@gemswinc pretty sure Biden strategy is a win/win for democracy...everything has a price
@ApostatePerry As long as it's a win for Biden. This year I am a one issue voter
@AskTheDevil @ApostatePerry A humane and compassionate human being.
@AskTheDevil @gemswinc @Alfred Different there a solution to faster than speed of light navigation in the solutions of the 3 body problem
@gemswinc @ApostatePerry I honestly cannot say I have seen enough evidence that he is any more human and compassionate than the average person, but that still puts him at the top of the mountain compared to Trump, or really any Republican.