I think one of the great failures of Western Society is the apparent taboo about talking or thinking of death. We pretend that the next pill or potion will help us live forever, fueling our consumer society.

I feel that death is a passage as birth is a passage, and that we should acknowledge and plan for it. Life and death are intimately intertwined and one cannot exist without the other.

@gemswinc when I worked in dialysis, as a social worker, I had discussions about end of life care with my patients. Some didn't want to discuss it at all, while others welcomed the opportunity to talk about what they wanted and didn't want and to implement their wishes in writing. The ones who refused to discuss it, I always followed up, because sometimes planting the seeds helped to open the door for further discussions.

@Spagesgallo1 Ah, you have been on the front lines, I'm glad you follow up w/ those who might discuss it. My husband, nevertheless, refused.

@gemswinc I'm sorry that your husband refused to talk about it. For some, it is just way too uncomfortable for them to discuss. Fear is also a big factor for people avoiding the topic. Even healthcare workers struggle with it. I have also worked with a doctor who was anti end of life care. People on dialysis, vents and in a vegetative state. He believed in keeping them alive at any cost! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

@Spagesgallo1 @gemswinc
So sad to hear! Because you know he passed that one to patients. I am for euthanasia if people choose. There are definitely worse things than death.

@CinnamonGirlE @gemswinc
It was sad and infuriating! He was actually imposing his religious beliefs upon his patients and their families. He didn't care about quality of life! I am totally with you on euthanasia! Always have been. I always believed in death with dignity. I just feel so honored and privileged to have helped people on that journey. That's where I miss the work that I did!


@Spagesgallo1 @CinnamonGirlE A+ Euthanasia. If that was easily available, I would be much more sanguine about how things could end. If you know there is an escape route if needed, there would be less worry

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@gemswinc @CinnamonGirlE

Oh, I feel you deeply on that as well! It would really help to make it so much easier to face the end if euthanasia were available as a treatment option. People can stop chemo or withdraw from dialysis...those are legal treatment options! It really would help if we had euthanasia as an option as well. There would be much less worry and we would feel more empowered! More control over an inevitable outcome. Thank goodness at least for hospice.

@Spagesgallo1 @gemswinc @CinnamonGirlE

I worked in large Denver hospital. My administrator told me euthanasia happens if you have the right doc.

@LnzyHou @gemswinc @CinnamonGirlE

Agreed! The trick is finding the right doctor! There are organizations that also deal with end of life. Too bad Dr. Kevorkian's vision wasn't embraced as it should have been!

@Spagesgallo1 @gemswinc @CinnamonGirlE

My adult sons have assured me they will handle whatever is necessary. One way or another.

@LnzyHou @Spagesgallo1 @gemswinc
That's good Linds. I don't think mine are comfortable with it.

@CinnamonGirlE @LnzyHou @gemswinc

I'm sorry to hear that Cin. I know my husband wasn't comfortable with certain wishes that I have, but he finally gets it. When appointing people to carry out our wishes, it's so important to ensure that the ones you pick will follow through with carrying out your wishes. I have witnessed some instances where people panicked and then the issue had to go before the ethics committee!

@Spagesgallo1 @LnzyHou @gemswinc
I have a sister who is mirror minded and also a nurse. I have a person. Thankfully, and hopefully never necessary.

@CinnamonGirlE @LnzyHou @gemswinc

Thank goodness! I'm happy that you can have peace of mind! But I am with you, hopefully it will never come to that. ๐Ÿ™

@LnzyHou @gemswinc @CinnamonGirlE

That is the most important thing of all. I am happy to hear that everyone is on the same page. My husband has assured me of the same and visa versa. We are actually going to make an appointment with a lawyer to update all of our documents.

@Spagesgallo1 @gemswinc @CinnamonGirlE
Of course, itโ€™s legal in a handful of states, one or two donโ€™t have a residency requirement. Thereโ€™s an organization that works to make it more available and acceptable, Compassion and Choices.

@gemswinc @Smccune55 @Spagesgallo1
I guess that's why I haven't heard of it. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Still intrigues me though.


Yes, that is true! Compassion and Choices is one I have never heard of. The Hemlock Society is another one.
@gemswinc @CinnamonGirlE

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