I think one of the great failures of Western Society is the apparent taboo about talking or thinking of death. We pretend that the next pill or potion will help us live forever, fueling our consumer society.

I feel that death is a passage as birth is a passage, and that we should acknowledge and plan for it. Life and death are intimately intertwined and one cannot exist without the other.

@gemswinc when I worked in dialysis, as a social worker, I had discussions about end of life care with my patients. Some didn't want to discuss it at all, while others welcomed the opportunity to talk about what they wanted and didn't want and to implement their wishes in writing. The ones who refused to discuss it, I always followed up, because sometimes planting the seeds helped to open the door for further discussions.

@Spagesgallo1 Ah, you have been on the front lines, I'm glad you follow up w/ those who might discuss it. My husband, nevertheless, refused.

@gemswinc I'm sorry that your husband refused to talk about it. For some, it is just way too uncomfortable for them to discuss. Fear is also a big factor for people avoiding the topic. Even healthcare workers struggle with it. I have also worked with a doctor who was anti end of life care. People on dialysis, vents and in a vegetative state. He believed in keeping them alive at any cost! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ


@Spagesgallo1 I think the loss of self/ego was too much to bear publicly. He had to work on it by himself. I felt left out, an opportunity to connect was lost.

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@gemswinc yes, sadly, for some, that is the only way that they can process it. Yet, like you said, it ended up leaving you feeling left out and above all, the loss of that sense of a deeper connection to make that journey together. That hurt runs deep, after sharing your lives together.

@Spagesgallo1 Yes. He point blank said "I'll do this alone". Alzheimer's

@gemswinc oh Cindy! I am truly so very sorry! Alzheimer's...you have my deepest sympathies! It's such a cruel disease. It takes a huge amount of strength to care for someone afflicted with Alzheimers! Not an easy journey at all, especially when they push you away. I commend you for all that you did to care for him, despite his proclamation.

@Spagesgallo1 Thank you, that means a lot โฃ๏ธ

@Spagesgallo1 However, he haunted me for a year. No, I'm not crazy.

@gemswinc I have no doubt that he haunted you for a year. No, you're definitely not crazy! I just hope that you have made some peace with how things went. You tried and did your very best! Please give yourself grace.

@Spagesgallo1 Thank you Stephanie, I do believe we have made peace and he has moved on.

@gemswinc I am happy to hear that! He definitely made the full transition once you both made peace!

@Spagesgallo1 I'm trying.. the grace. Work-in-progress. Thank you for your interaction!

@gemswinc That's all you can do! It definitely takes time! Be patient and gentle with yourself! ๐Ÿ’œ

@Spagesgallo1 Anyway, nice to meet you and learn more about you!

@gemswinc it's a pleasure to meet you as well Cindy. Despite the sensitive nature of the topic of our conversation, I appreciate learning more about you as well!

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