“The simple fact is that understanding how the Bible has impacted our nation, in its proper historical and literary context, was the norm in America until the 1960s and its removal has coincided with a precipitous decline in American schools.”
Precipitous decline? Tell me who grew up in schools where the concept of active shooter drills didn’t exist? Not Mr 1985.
I became an engineer BECAUSE of the 60’s where I was told I could be who I wanted to be.
“Graphic designer Lorie Smith says the same Colorado public accommodation law that Phillips challenged, which forbids discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, also violates her deeply held religious views and free-speech rights”
No. It literally literally does not. Get out it the business if you are going to discriminate. Her beliefs are not violated. Discrimination isn’t part of a religious belief.
“If you find a beautifully designed system—their favorite example was a digital watch—then there must be a planner, a creator, behind it. So just look at the world of Nature—”
The Songs of Distant Earth, Arthur C. Clarke
I find people using this argument, from 1986, posting it today.
It is a flawed argument. Just as Clarke was pointing out.
“If I wanted government in my body, I’d fuck a politician” #Feminist #FuckCancer #LGBTQ #BLM #Ally #RetiredEngineer #HearingImpaired #HorseParent