The game they will play, Tampa Bay, in Munich Germany can only be watched on NFL network or NFL.com ...
But wait, the game will also be broadcast from the local Seattle station KIRO channel 7 (CBS) or KIRO.com at 6:30 am pmt.
One way to win a rock fight is to collect your enemies rocks and throw them back. Biden has a chance to throw every Fox talking point back in their faces. To show how Republicans have no plan. To bring Republicans into the spotlight who have been harmed by Republican policies. To have world leaders come the U.S. and help us fight fascism. He must have his own “rallies”… constantly. Fight fire with fire.
To the surprise of nobody, Oregon’s Q-sympathizing gubernatorial R candidate is refusing to concede, with zero path to victory.
Team uses AI and satellite images to release first-ever global estimates for road transportation greenhouse emissions.
"You can't change what you can't measure, and that's a big challenge when it comes to tackling climate change. We need to know where the greenhouse gas emissions are coming from, but that means accounting for a vast number of miniscule contributions across time and geography."
Repeat COVID-19 infections increase risk of organ failure, death https://www.datareport.info/index.php
CounterSocial's Wall of Entropy is just one of many ways that we work behind the scenes to keep you safe online.
A very good argument could be made that when it comes to social media, you're safer here than you are anywhere else. #CoSoTips
Election over...time for Merrick to do his duty! #justice #Merrick #DOJ #justicefortrump
Could all of you #Florida politicians please pick up your lawn signs, especially the big ones mounted on 2x4s, before they become hurricane projectiles?
I've been goofing around here for a few months, but ...
Just started the shut down of my Twitter today.