something I like about Warhammer 40K Darktide, it's mindles fun, but with juuuuuust enough depth to keep it interesting

@SpaceSlothForever bro!

Happy early birthday!

May you have an uneventful, wholesome and lazy birthday!

we need cake

To my dear Acolytes who celebrate:

May the light of knowledge illuminate your Passover celebration!

@th3j35t3r @Render
I was dicking around amzn and came across the AGPTek U3 MP3 player, looks somewhat like the mock physical winamp player

there's a 8GB and 40GB version

I have to be honest... xitter's community notes can be funny

@amarand yes xD that's exactly what's going on, check the text at the bottom of the image lol

reddit seems to be down for the moment.

Hear that? that's the sound of the internet healing itself

well.... uh....

I was not aware that Mike and Rafa enjoy taking walks

so today we went hiking a bit, just off the general habzone

and it was surprising how much they enjoy simply going on an adventure.

Was playing my fallout playlist and it seemed to hit the spot

no idea how much we walked, my best estimate is about 2kms.

Will try to do this again tomorrow

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