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G'night All 💤 💙

(Yes, I'm 8:30-bedtime-old 😜 I only sleep a couple hours though, so may be back)

Marianne Faithfull, David Bowie - I Got You Babe

Before I log off for the night, want to leave a little bit of wisdom my mother used to tell me.

When all you see are grey skies and feeling down, don't give up... you've got plenty of blue skies ahead of you.

Goodnight my lovin' Nauts.
May the sweetest of dreams find each of you.

My knee has decided to bark loudly every time I get up to walk around. What drag it is getting old. (silently humming an old Stones song).


Let me guess, there was another funeral right after that one? 😂

How to mess up your favorite stoner today:
remind them that 4 20 2024 backwards is 4 20 2024


Covids are so smart. I love them, especially ravens.

Anting is a behavior in which crows land on an anthill and allow ants to infest their feathers. The ants then spray formic acid on their feathers. This acid will act as an insecticide, fungicide, and bactericide that will rid the bird of all its disease-causing pathogens.

-Tony Austin

Simple enough, not taking anything away from any religion with this at all. That's on you not me. This speaks for itself

I don't know about anybody else but I expected my 58° to be a little warmer than 40°!


once again, having learned nothing from even recent history.

@duglop That's a couple counties away from me. I hadn't heard anything about it until now. It will be voted down.

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