
I'd LOVE to see some of your favorite toys you grew up with (if you can find photos of them) - except video games unless they were the old school handheld games! I'll check em out after work if there are any! GO!

@UmbaSaffire I had that but every time We tried we just couldn't get it to work 😂

yeah it was a bit temperamental 😅 you remember this one? We used to have a creepy crawler stand (like a lemonade stand)...😁

@UmbaSaffire Yes I can still remember the jingle creepy crawler creepy crawler...

@duglop I couldnt tell you how it was played but always loved the moving parts and mechanics of Mouse Trap.

@duglop we did play with jarts. It's amazing we survived.

Throw in a bike and we were set.

The rubber bands were for hunting flies that got in the house, and each other.

@duglop I have no memories of toys, we were really, really poor. I’m curious to watch this thread to see if I remember anything.

@duglop Oh wait, I do remember a toy. This Strawberry Shortcake doll. I still remember how it smelled.

@misslovelymess I have no words for this because it really humbled me...

@duglop I didn’t mean to kill your joy, I had tons of family kiddos to play with, all the time. I love this thread idea. :)

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