Please copy & paste this to your status if you're constantly being asked to copy & paste things to your status by people who copy & paste things to their statuses. Many people won't copy & paste this, but my truly sarcastic friends will copy & paste it because they're sarcastic by nature. If you don't copy & paste it, then this means you hate bacon. And if you hate bacon, the terrorists win, and a unicorn dies. Possibly puppies as well. And sloths and occasionally baby goats. But never dragons..
Oh great! You've just doomed yet one more unicorn. 😁
@see_the_sus @sonnybillglover or a sloth, or a baby goat, but the dragons are still safe!
Woooo now Nelly! Sloths? Unicorns? You barbarian you! How dare you hold us hostage, all to give you your sarcasm fix!
*Sus scurries to copy & paste cause she loves sloths and unicorns and doesn't want to upset the unbalanced universe*
I'm dying! 🤣🤣🤣 Best post of the day! 😂😂😂
Couldn’t find the paste button! 🤣