Saturday will feature three Thanksgiving films this week:

1. BLOOD FREAK (1972) 8:00

2. HOME SWEET HOME (1981) ~9:30

3. BLOOD RAGE (1983/87) ~11:00

All times are US CST. Follow the link below and give me a heads up if you would like to watch along!

@Apocryphiliac hey I popped in but don't have permission to speak :(


@Apocryphiliac been a while since I did discord - just reactivated tonight... just now

@duglop Thanks for popping in! Check out the different channels. Most are text-based, including the voice channel you're currently signed into. (I disabled everyone's voice chat for that one--the second one down is for voice chat, but I don't even have a headset at the moment... like I said, for future consideration).

Pro Tip: Click the "1 event" heading at the top to get info and then click "interested" to get a notification when the stream is about to start. :)

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