@duglop Keep an eye on your kitty.
If she throws up with more and more frequence take her in. My cat was diagnosed with a serious illness after throwing up repeatedly. Taking her to the vet savid her life.
@Jacki thanks, but she's ok, she just ate too quickly - she does this once a month.... was hoping it was just a hairball but not so
@Netherbury pumpkin is also good as well!!!
@Embers @Netherbury if I didn't know better I'd say she was faking it, lil shit darted out from under the bed at me... grrrrrrr #SHURI damn I love my cat :)
@Embers had to search for this toot - have you tried Temptations hairball remedy cat treats? my cat hated every other type of hairball remedy (she'll eat/lick a little pumpkin but not much) but she'll indulge herself with these treats and so far they have worked every time!
@duglop Haven't tried those but most of my clowder goes ape-shit for the regular Temptations. Will give them a try, thanks!
@duglop @Netherbury Have never had any luck with my cats and pumpkin which is unfortunate as it's used in several homemade cat food recipes I've collected.