@Netherbury pumpkin is also good as well!!!
@duglop @Netherbury Have never had any luck with my cats and pumpkin which is unfortunate as it's used in several homemade cat food recipes I've collected.
@Embers @Netherbury if I didn't know better I'd say she was faking it, lil shit darted out from under the bed at me... grrrrrrr #SHURI damn I love my cat :)
@Embers had to search for this toot - have you tried Temptations hairball remedy cat treats? my cat hated every other type of hairball remedy (she'll eat/lick a little pumpkin but not much) but she'll indulge herself with these treats and so far they have worked every time!
@duglop Haven't tried those but most of my clowder goes ape-shit for the regular Temptations. Will give them a try, thanks!
@duglop @Jacki My 18 yr old indoor cat refuses to eat hairball medicine. We take her out to eat grass all he time. But she prefers to eat babyfood real fast so she throws up, and whola! hairball gone. She figured this out on her own. She will scream for babyfood when she has a hairball she can't get up.