Alright riddle me this Batmans. Batmen? Alright anyway, so I put in 98GB of memory and my Linux box was a lot faster. I put in the other stick to bring it up 128GB and then all of a sudden it just kept reloading the login screen. I got it into the GUI once but it crashed.

Why no 128gb for me? Fresh install or SOL?

@dr_zooks my understanding (and this might be wrong with a capital W) is that all memory modules have to be identical in memory amount, speed, mfgr, etc .

please can anyone out here in CoSo computie land tell me if this is a fact (I heard it from a computie googlie admin) - maybe I heard wrong

@mims @dr_zooks

Yes to all of that, and also same production run, if possible.


@fugitive247 @mims once I get a job I'm gonna get another 4090 and show these models who's boss.

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