@normsmusic I do but I can't explain it to you. I can however offer this:
If humans don't have free will and everything is deterministic then why is anyone punished for anything they've ever done or not done? Anyone who doesn't believe in free will should be in favor of opening up the mental hospitals and prisons and releasing everyone because nobody is responsible for their actions.
I believe that the rule of law requires belief in free will.
@normsmusic I personally reject the idea that we are descended from any of the hominids. I think the hominids were creatures that lived on the earth and went extinct. They served a role in preparing the land animals and birds for the coming of humanity because we are often very destructive to natural environments. So the origin of free will for me comes from God.
@danielbsmith another possibility is if we don't have free will that this is how this subroutine plays out. When did free will start? with Denovisians 380,000 yrs ago, Neanderthals, Sapiens or some other branch.?