Just got off the phone with a young gal I know. We met in a NA meting, she is clean about two years, but very unhappy. She enrolled in a community college, and is flunking out because she is bored, and sees no hope of getting a good paying job out of it.

We talked about building trades apprenticeships, and so she did some research. Turns out all the the local building trade unions are hard up for apprentices. She now is very excited about her future.

Consider apprenticeship !

@corlin 🎉 🎉 Awesome solution finding ❤️ ❤️ I know women in recovery that have gotten into everything from welding, heavy equipment operating, firefighting to auto mechanics as well as the "traditional" degrees like nurse and social worker !


It is good news.
She is a farm girl, cattle rancher, and horse person.
She will do well in a trade.

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