Can anyone tell me the path on a server to the html/php/js whatever it uses...?
- if I wanted to do a minor tweak to the HTML?
Does it live here?

In trying to make desktop Linux my daily driver here is a fix I found to eliminate middle button touchpad input - I was constantly getting accidental clicks and closing tabs I wanted to switch to.

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad middle-click-emulation true

@kaehlys Are you running it on a desktop or laptop? I have a lenovo yoga and have tried several distros but can not get the brightness buttons or the fingerprint reader to work - it's not one of their linux certified models and after exhaustive searches to try getting it working I have given up. My next laptop I will research the hardware compatibility better

@kaehlys @corlin That's great and helps a bunch with my understanding! Thank you!!

@corlin Well I noticed I am now able to enable my PLP - so the fact that is now a closed system makes more sense why that is no longer a paid feature.

@corlin Ok thanks! now it is starting to make more sense. At first I thought I had something mis-configured with my server - but then when I couldn't do it from mstdn I started to wonder!

Is it possible to follow people from other instances on here, or is it limited to

I setup my own instance at and I am trying to learn how to administer it.

New Instance (contains anagrams) Show more

@hfinyow I'm using windows 11 and overall don't hate it but search is still awful and if I can get wine to run the 1 or 2 windows programs I use I'd be happy. I do like the touch screen and the fingerprint reader and am not sure if pen input also is fully supported and which distro would be best on a lenovo yoga 2-in-1?

@somewhatcyclops I meant "any better in linux" in that last reply. Yeah I've been a mac fan for a long time but really enjoy having a touchscreen more than I thought I would.

@somewhatcyclops I haven't played with dual booting for a while - have done VM's and I have a Raspberry Pi running pi-hole to block ads network-wide.
I actually like windows 11 for the most part but searching for files is terrible compared to spotlight on the mac and was wondering if it would be much better in windows if it was my daily driver.

@somewhatcyclops That's cool. I have been playing with various distros for many years. I haven't used Linux as a primary desktop in a while due to my 2-in-1 laptop hardware not being fully supported and there's some things I do I'd rather not do in a windows VM and sometimes wine can be a pain - thinking of possibly dual booting

How many people on here run on the desktop?

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Anagram Man

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