I’d travel a lot more if I didn’t have to leave Little Miss Attitude and Mr.Tan Man behind. They do fine boarding at the awesome facility we use, but I always feel that I’m somehow betraying them. The fact that each time we drop them off, they trot away happily with the staffers without any drama at all should convince me that all is well, but you #dog people know how this goes. #DogsOfCoSo
@mos_flow We took them with us (obviously!) when we evacuated for Hurricane Florence, driving two days from North Carolina to New Hampshire, and they were good as gold for the whole trip. Neither one had been on a car ride of more than half an hour prior to that.
@LnzyHou Dog shunning is very unambiguous.
CosmicDoodle has perfected the "I'm so disappointed in you." look. 🤣
@LnzyHou I meant that the message she’s sending is unmistakable.
This usually went on for two weeks or so. She passed in March. I’d give anything to see her pout again.
@cassandra17lina Ours act a little too excited to leave for me. It's like they're going to camp.
They are also excited to return but seem exhausted for about a day.
Some workers at the kennel have developed relationships with them.
@cassandra17lina Completely. I can't relax on vacation unless I know my 3 are safe and in good hands.