Duran Duran saves what was a harsh Tuesday. Thanks, gents!

Oh, and Warren was magnificent on grey strat, just sang!


Warren is back in the fold or just sitting in?

This is the FZ cultist asking, you understand. šŸ¤“

@InUnfunky @Mfieck ā€œOf course Iā€™ll introduce you to Warrenā€ ā€¦.. ā€œjust like a Telefunken U47ā€

@bmacmixer @Mfieck

"Sophia Warren on guitar..."

Warren would later go on to say/do some questionable shit, but we don't have to talk about that.

So M, was he there for the whole set?

It was all lies. Guitar player was Dominic Brown. Ya, know I thought he looked younger. šŸ˜†

Dude plays a mean guitar, with divine tone. Credit where due.


@Mfieck @bmacmixer


Thatā€™s a relief!

So I can talk shit about Warren, now.


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