Duran Duran saves what was a harsh Tuesday. Thanks, gents!

Oh, and Warren was magnificent on grey strat, just sang!


Warren is back in the fold or just sitting in?

This is the FZ cultist asking, you understand. 🤓


@InUnfunky @Mfieck “Of course I’ll introduce you to Warren” ….. “just like a Telefunken U47”

@bmacmixer @Mfieck

"Sophia Warren on guitar..."

Warren would later go on to say/do some questionable shit, but we don't have to talk about that.

So M, was he there for the whole set?

It was all lies. Guitar player was Dominic Brown. Ya, know I thought he looked younger. 😆

Dude plays a mean guitar, with divine tone. Credit where due.


@Mfieck @bmacmixer


That’s a relief!

So I can talk shit about Warren, now.


@InUnfunky @bmacmixer
Just don't mention his foray into adult material...oops

@Mfieck @bmacmixer

You saw that, too?


He also called Obama a communist.

Which — as we know — is laughably false.


Some people should stick to making chocolate Telefunken U-47s.

@InUnfunky @bmacmixer
Such a fun show. Good performance by all.

I confess to have never owning a DD album or cd. But I was on stage with them and spent a weekend in Beverly Hills...narrowly escaping a video shoot in the desert. I have boundaries. What? Anyway. Their biggest fan was an old friend. You can see her in the video Welcome To The Jungle, emerging from a pool in a bikini. Could've been that same weekend, memories fade.

@Mfieck @bmacmixer

D2 has a tune called “Welcome To The Jungle”? Friends in bikinis? What? 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️😎

@Mfieck @bmacmixer

You had me looking for a song that didn’t exist? How could you. I feel like I’ll get Rickrolled if I go watching the vid to peep yer pal in the pool.


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