@britt LOL. My dog gives me that look all day long. She seems so unimpressed with me.
@ehurtley insert R.E.M. tune... https://youtu.be/Z0GFRcFm-aY
@txgal and now I’ll be humming it all day.
@britt looks super cute. Why is it hard to believe it’s your dog?
@PsyPurplePirate that’s awesome. I’ve written several blog posts about how to pick gear for a trip and how to track what works and what doesn’t. Over time you will refine what you carry. This one has a free spreadsheet to help you ➝ https://www.briangreen.net/bbb/2011/10/gear-lists-not-just-for-gram-weenies.html
After far too long, I finally migrated 18+ years of blog content to a new platform. No more WordPress nonsense. Hope you like the new site ➝ www.briangreen.net
OMG hooked on Lonolife chicken broth. And if you want to kick it up a notch try adding some freshly grated ginger. http://bit.ly/2ujAGxr #paleo
@ucantstop_me I’ve been making my own overnight oats last few days. Have to say I feel like I’ve struck gold.
@Ceedoo it’s amazing. Takes a bit of work and a blender so there’s clean up. But it’s sooooo good.
Kids aren’t even up yet. I’m a single parent this weekend. So extra #coffee and quiet time for me. #bulletproofcoffee
@estherschindler @bitranch it’s probably more than 10 years old. Given to me by a friend. I’m sure it’s available online somewhere.
@Badface I bet it beat having to walk to work though right?
@daniel @Minholkin @headed4thebeach @Katepillar ditto. Never been a bad thing.
Manage like an officer, work like an analyst, train like an operator, think like a spy.