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I recently finished both of these books and I agree that Wayward is more compelling than Wanderers! I would like to know how you like Penny’s latest. I won’t give anything away. So once you are done, I would love your take on this one.

Thanks for that link! I can remember similar storms we had back in the early 70's. But now it all seems a little scarier.

Goodness, where will all the pelicans roost now!?

This landmark has been a part of my life and my children's lives for ever. We always go to Seacliff Beach and over the years the cement ship has slipped ever lower in the surf. But this looks like the end of it. Sad but inevitable I guess. I will miss it.

Bette boosted

I wonder if Kevin McCarthy is sick of all the winning yet?

I mean, if he wins any more, he's going be burying an ex wife on a golf course by tomorrow afternoon.

Really taking a beating in downtown Capitola. I love this are of our state and go there every year with my sisters. Heart breaking. Thanks for keeping me posted!

The only thing being accomplished in the House this week is showing millions of Americans that our government is NOT serious. At ALL. Well, at least the GOP is not serious EVER. I am dumfounded by this chicanery. Totally ridiculous. If this is what the next 2 years are going to be like, I might have to put my head in a closet so it does not explode.

Love this! And, thanks for the intro into a great band.

All these memories of youthful Xmas! I suddenly was reminded that my dad convinced us all that Santa’s sleigh had come and we missed the jingle bells! But Dad said he heard them and then took us out to see the sleigh runner tracks in the snow! I think I still believed him when I was starting high school. So gullible. So happy! Merry Christmas to you all! May your memories be good ones. If not, make some up.

Do you mean Google Chat? I like some things on Chat, but with Messages now being editable on iOS and Mac, I think they both have their shortcomings and benefits. I use Messages for personal use and Chat for business. I do like being able to create a Task from a Chat message. I think they are both good at what they do. But I will always use iMessage in my personal life.

Bette boosted

: "People are giving birth underwater now. They say it's less traumatic for the baby because it's under water.

But it's certainly more traumatic for the other people in the pool."

EM's tweet was bad bad bad. But the responses were very disturbing.

Because I am a glutton for punishment, I looked up the responses to Brennan's tweet to save you all the trouble.
Conclusion: is full of hateful and misinformed bots. I think it is past time I resigned from that site.

I listened to Maddow's podcast Ultra last night. I am amazed at how much of this is all breaking news to me. Clearly, I was either not paying attention in history class, or they never taught it. Something tells me it is the latter.
MAGA is not our first rodeo with people trying to over throw the US government. Too bad our collective memories were wiped.
I highly recommend this podcast.

As a long time reader, I must say, this one made me laugh the loudest. I have not been on much of late. Too much stupid. Much prefer the Coso atmosphere. But I wonder where will I get my laughs from if you did not hang out there and take the abuse. Thank you for your service,Jim!

Bette boosted

Hello my friends.

Remember, there are still good people doing good things.

Don’t get consumed by hate. Keep on being a decent, kind and compassionate person.

Let hate consume the haters. Watch it eat their souls. 🖖

Bette boosted

An "incel," as the term is used today, isn't just a guy who can't get a girlfriend.

It's a guy who thinks the world owes him a girlfriend, but also thinks it's beneath him, as a matter of principle, to do the smallest thing to make himself attractive or interesting or agreeable or in any way worth considering.

And when that, predictably, doesn't do anything but make him repulsive, he decides that the entire female sex is to blame and/or is just evil.

I have been a 1Password user for longer than I can remember. We have the family account. I would be dead in the water without it. I am really sorry to hear about LastPass's troubles. It makes me wonder if I can protect myself from a similar meltdown. I strongly recommend 1Password. As with all software, there is a learning curve. Well worth it, tho'

Eye shields up!
Take good care and get better.

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