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Robyn boosted

Using your mind effectively is important but never underestimate the power of a loving heart!

🦃Have a wonderful day every one!🦃

I am looking forward to tomorrow. Making a Thanksgiving dinner has always helped me FEEL more for the holidays. Seasons come and go so quickly❤

So the power of the Senate meens the power of supeona, but if ppl don't comply, what power is it really?

Robyn boosted

I really want some pistachios. I don't have any😑

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has a legislator pushing a bill that would prohibit parents from taking their children to a Drag Queen Show. Yep, we are now dealing with this crap.

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I think we need a Federal law that prohibits a spouse from taking out a life insurance policy on the other spouse without their signature and 2 witnesses.

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Robyn boosted
Robyn boosted

Ginni Thomas is a a danger to our democracy above all others since her husband is on the Supreme Court!

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You want to know the difference between Twitter and Counter Social and Mastodon? My son couldn't find an answer to his chemistry labwork so I asked for help all 3 sites - pretty much the same wording. I have 6K followers on Twitter, barely a handful on the other two sites. Nobody responded on Twitter - they're too busy raging about politics. But between Mastodon and Counter Social, I got close to 20 responses. People helping people, being kind. I'm loving it here. Thanks for having me.

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Please do all you can to stay healthy and well.
Please get your flu shot, Bivalent boost and wear masks when out and about.
Talk with your Doctor about Vitamin D3 supplements for your immune system.
The Healthcare System can’t take much more.
Do everything you can to protect the little ones .
This RSV is vicious.

Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk

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Robyn boosted
Robyn boosted
Robyn boosted
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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.