@JolieSaboteuse 5000 children and a crocodile
@stueytheround oh cool, so there could be a reward
@mcfate you know. Logical doughnuts. Of Truth.
@estherschindler /me lights a candle
@CharlotteKL A message from CounterSocial<[email protected]> arrived in less than a minute with the subject "reset password". Maybe searching for that subject will turn it up.
@CharlotteKL I see, in that case and it's not landing in the Spam/Junk folder? I'm going to test and see if/how I receive a message.
@LiberalLibrarian welp. There's a reason I don't read celebrity missives. Voila.
@LiberalLibrarian Ruffalo have a stroke or something? I thought he was a sensible person.
Hi I'll try to #help - over on the right ----> there is "My Subscription Portal (I'll drop the link below)
where I found "Manage Subscription", where I see that I can control the number of subscriptions I have, even make it zero. Would do what you need?
@peterquirk Microsoft's chatbot forays seem to have psychotic tendencies and then double down when called out. 🤔 They could run for political office
@PussyFootingAround (Apologies to the Ramones)
@PussyFootingAround Robot's Asshole had that one great punk anthem, "My Brain's Hanging Upside Down", err, back in the 70s? I don't accurately recall anything from that time period.
@gshevlin all so he can build a $50M hole in the ground, errr, bunker, I mean home.
@Coctaanatis @cassandra17lina Did find a little squirrel nest up there, felt bad about taking that apart. Got over it.
@Coctaanatis @cassandra17lina
Oh yes. Pulled them all apart, replaced damaged sections, added/replaced down spouts and tied those all into underground pipes that drain downhill a ways. Retrenched the foundation french drains. Wore out the shovel.
@cassandra17lina ...and how does mosquito biology work? Can I make them an attractive water source loaded with Bti and reduce their population?
@cassandra17lina I can't find any standing water but have a robust mosquito population. Have done all the water drainage/mitigation I can think of. I'm going to start tossing these around.
@Route10 Are you following a smoothie recipe book/database, or are you writing one? Just curious, do continue!
ideal for precision work