Yay for the vote .
Yay for the suit 😍
oooh boy, this is getting exciting 🤣
@kel oh i think they do understand, they love it, and they aspire to belong to that 1%
#FourYearsAgo CounterSocial was almost three years old. #CoSoTips
We will never how it felt to dream it, to make it and to launch it. But we certainly know how much we enjoy this amazing sandbox.
The amazing, phenomenal
Liv Warfield
oh, now we'are talking... Yes ! Books and Wine
agree w/deco trim
could also be letters of your choice.. and make a word, or more, if space ( oh, the space) allows it :-)
Aww, that's sweet... the charming delight of the little things in life
Hello :-) and good to see you, my friend . How's Life treating you?
I like the virtual environ, and yes, anonymity has great advantages, but one big issue is when virtual friends disappear out of the blue and it's painful to not know and not being able to do anything about it.
Call me romantic. #LifeIsTough
"If your revolution does not include dancing, count me out"
So what are you doing?
Oh you know, this and that, revolution planning, and dance playlist making.
Oh, how do I like this 1 million times 😍
that's real cool
btw, i think it's national or int'l ?honey day :-)
Best use of AI
@Museek wow, love it !
Indeed, that's how AI is supposed to help people
My specs are in the head'er.
Happy & proud to be #CSOG