A Very Brief History and a Celebratory Review of Basket Case (1982) for it’s 40th Birthday [This review may contain spoilers]

by Julia Alvarado
April 21, 2022

Guided by Henenlotter’s careful eye, the film “Basket Case” paints an unsettling but incredibly accurate depiction of Manhattan in the 1980s…



If You Haven't Read 'Frankenstein,' Just Watch 'Frankenhooker'

by Krystal Languell

There are hundreds of film adaptations of Frankenstein, and the translation to film requires some elements to be altered. Perhaps the most gleefully bastardized of them is Frankenhooker. Bill Murray blurbed the film; his comment appears on the video cover: “If you see one movie this year, it should be Frankenhooker.”




“A tale of sluts and bolts.”

Trailer: youtu.be/8-LQ01M32LA

This is going to be my last post for a while, so I’ll be adding no reminders about the watch party on Saturday. If you need a reminder, click on the “interested” option in the app to get a notification/reminder.



@Apocryphiliac this is such a good movie! I wish more people would see it

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