
Right Speech:

Think of it as a 3 step filter between your head and what you say, or write.
Speech has to get through all 3 filters.

1. Is it the truth.
2. Is it necessary.
3. Will it do harm.

Of course this is Imposable !
That is why we call it practice.

"We Be The Humans"

@corlin my secondary is “Helping or hurting?” - is what I’m about to say/do helping or hurting the situation?

@annamuneca good policy. Live and Learn. And apologize as almost certainly people mess up. Some will accept it and some won’t. Don’t be afraid to speak truth, though.

@annamuneca the Buddhists have three questions along these lines:
is it true?
is it necessary?
is it kind?

@hootenanny it’s a good reminder! … not that I remember to ask those 3 questions every time 😬

@annamuneca - I love it! I saw Craig Ferguson tell this joke live, at the
theater in Fort Wayne. Hilarious!

@Studio_M_ I saw him do this one live, too. Was incredible.

@annamuneca An aside: Geez I miss Craig Ferguson. He was one of the very few people who could make me laugh out loud.

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