Yes, that's the gearstick shift pattern for the Kenworth Grand Dominator SUV with manual transmission. 😎
Looks like it's supposed to be letters, but nothing meaningful pops out to me. Is there a broader context, or did you just see it and were curious?
@misterfive @annamuneca I clearly make out the word flautas and now I'm hungry. @HK343
@misterfive just saw it randomly while sitting In My parked car, may have been a fellow healthcare worker.
Yeah, I wonder if it's some decorative font.
I want to read it as ABTAS, but the B could be an L, and the second A an R or possibly P. None of those combinations are meaningful to me though. It's also possible it's not in English, what with the dots, or it's some abstract logo, but they look like Latin letters to me.
@annamuneca Elian Script for "Vandal"
@annamuneca Judging from the rear fender, it might mean that Rust Never Sleeps.