@Xenofact i like Cleary's work too.
@holon42 Would love to hear any thoughts you have!
@holon42 The Cleary Translation is from a MUCH better source and is much more accurate.
@Xenofact yes, that's the one i have.
@holon42 I was only aware of the 90's translation!
@Xenofact i just looked at my library and can't find it, of course. maybe i'm misremembering the translator, could be, it's been awhile. anyway, great book. good practice too.
@Xenofact just checked Amazon. yes, i'm misremembering. my copy looked nothing like thst, and it was between 74 and 78 that i read it, so...
@Xenofact ah, it was the Wilhelm translation. just found it on Amazon too. different cover then.
thanks for the info. since i can't find my copy, i'll get the Cleary translation.
@holon42 Cleary's is far superior, he used a different copy, and made less assumptions. WELL worth a buy. I keep spares and may write a commentary.
@Xenofact it's on my list for the next book purchase.
@Xenofact oh GF reading was in the 70s actually, while an undergrad. i seem to recall that Cleary was teaching at a university out west, Calgary, Saskatchewan, cannot recall.
@Xenofact oh, i forgot about the Golden Flower, it's somewhere around here, yes. beautiful book, had a big influence on me back in the 60s. i'll have to hunt it down and have another look.