As a coder, I really hate doing documentation.

you know what I hate more than documentation.

Arguing with other teams and OCD / On-The-Spectrum programmers on what exactly we all agreed to do 3 months ago in Slack / meeting / email during that late Friday afternoon session.

FTR: I'm a programmer that is on the spectrum and I can be really ocd and annoying!

So I'm not denying I'm a Black Pot

I'm beginning to finally understand and appreciate an IOC framework...


Oy Vay with all the fucking plumbing and boilerplate code required to pull it off.

IOC really needs a "Convention over Coding" overhaul approach.

MVC / Ruby is IOC but damn easy to code and run with minimal boilerplate.


So you may have seen the meme where the point is made, "I want AI to clean the house and do the dishes so I can spend more time being artistic."

So I'm using GitHub Copilot (MS branded ChatGPT) in VS.

I just discovered the power of Commit Messages that it can generate for my Git Pushes and Pull Requests.

4 hours of work, and it summed up my work, clearly, cleanly, succinctly AND correctly in detail in 10 secs.

It just cleaned my house and did my dishes.

It's definitely Pride Month.

I just closed out Pull Request 69 on my git repository...

So there is a feature that our users call "Views" in our software.

Our application is written using the MVVM pattern.

Using the name `Views` in an MVVM application is VERY confusing for anything other than the second V in MVVM.

Spent 20 minutes trying to find a new term so we can rename classes and have a new terminology when talking programmer to programmer, none of us could come up with anything.

ChatGPT, on 4th prompt gave us "Scene"

How did I program before ChatGPT?

I just had a WhenAny observable on a POCO's undecorated `bool Value {get; set;}` property actually fire even though the class didn't implement any INotifyProperty stuff or other inheritance for property changes.

I mean sure it worked... but it shouldn't have!

Makes me wonder if they are thinking of backing in INotify to POCO and if so, did this "sneak" out

It's amazing to me how many discussions of a bug between different programming teams devolve into:

"It's not my problem, it's your problem"

"Nah Uh... it's not my stuff, it's your stuff, here is a graph I have made that shows it's your stuff"

"I'm sorry but you are wrong, here is a graph I made that definitively shows it's on our side of the fence..."

Repeat Ad Nauseum

If you are a programmer who works in Visual Studio, and are finding yourself getting frustration when your app bombs out from building due to a compile error...

Install this extension right now, and set it to "Random". You will find yourself laughing when your project doesn't compile instead of crying..

You are welcome!


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Matthew πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.