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Just came across the following in my code from a couple of years ago.

Still made me laugh, so much for maturity

programming, man... from the outside it's "why can't you just add this slider or that toggle?" and from the inside it's like coaxing a wish with no drawbacks from a monkey's paw

As a software developer, on of the most useless pieces of feed back I can get is "Why doesn't the app look good?"

Hmmm, I don't know, maybe you could be more specific and tell me, oh I don't know, PARTICULARS of what's not working! Some more detail would be nice.

ChatGPT for Git

I want to roll back my changes from branch A two levels, merge that into branch B (please just resolve the differences conflicts with logical choices that allow for running, or which ever change was done latest in time), and finally split it B and make it a whole new repository with MAIN branch

How many people out there understand what I mean when I tell someone

"Throw another DoEvents in there..."


"Do better coders swear more, or does C just do that to good programmers?"

"For open source C code, curses mean quality, a recent bachelor’s thesis suggests."

On a related note, that programmer is the Cross Platform development lead manager and that is why all our API stuff is snake_case.

To make matters even worse he also just wrote in slack, and I'm not making this up:

"by that I mean the objective truth where anyone who uses tabs is insane"

We just had a programmer admit he prefers snake_case to camelCase.

We are all mocking him for being "wrong" (I'm arguing for "objectively wrong")

AI Assistance while I'm programming in my dev environment saves me so much time.

p.s. we shouldn't call it AI, we should call it Mock Perception (MP)

C# is starting to feel like C++,

Completely impenetrable to newcomers.

When I first learned to program, we used to say:

You can use Basic to mess up your program, but to really fuck up the entire computer you need to program in C++

As a programmer that earns a very good living as a programmer, somedays I do feel like:

I'm the Frog

And computer programming is The Scorpion

Okay, gotta say good-day to CoSo. I'm probably going to have to go dark for most of this week.

Work just hit me with a "this could make us ALOT of money if you can get this proto done in the next 3 days" task...

I like big bonuses so time to knuckle down and see about getting it done.

Time to slap some lipstick on the pig!

I have now been using Git as my primary (actually only) source control system for 3 years today, and using it secondarily for the previous 2 years before that.

Git is the only source control system used at my company, and in any of my work.

I STILL THINK Git is a horrible source control system that the 90s called and wanted back.

I mourn the death of TFS every day I have to do anything more complicated than a clean check-in.

It's taken me over a month to get used to the <c>object? myItem</c> nullable notation for POCOs.

And it is a pain to use, at first... but once you grok it, it will get rid of, FOREVER, the unhelpful "tell me nothing bug report" of:

Object not set to an instance of an object c#

I still think the runtime should be able to tell me exactly what the type of object was, what its name in code was and in what procedure was the null first noted.

But in that absence, this works

I actually had a google an old MS-DOS command.

There was a time I knew everything there was to know about DOS, almost any flavor.

But then we programmers realized CLI was a really stupid way to program spend our lives.

Now all the kewl kids are insisting we go back to the old Command Line Interface days.

I think I'll wait until the next generation of programmers tells the current batch of hipsters..

CLI is a sucky way to work with a computer

"I'm lousy at explaining myself in texting. I just find I can't communicate what I'm trying to say / thinking in long texting format.
I'd be glad to take a few moments to actually talk to you about it, and I think that would be a much better usage of your time, then you trying to understand this boomer who just doesn't really get complex human communication thru texting
the fault lies in me..."

Major University installed IBM mainframe in the late 50s.

The # 1 complaint for the first 6 months was that the system was slow in the first 30 minutes of the day.

After some research IBM programmers rolled out a fix over a 2-week period, and complaints went away.

The programmers had noticed the mainframe was getting hit by everyone logging in first thing in the morning.

The fix was to put in that same avg time delay to all requests.

Bugs can be perception.

I absolutely hate it when I'm considering a programming algorithm for a highly complex and complicated system, and I can think of an easy way to accomplish the work BUT there is the really good chance for major limitations or extra costs.

With a little careful thinking I can also think of a way to do it that allows for flexibility, better analytics, debugging, and potentially cost savings,

BUT the new way is so much more complicated

Am I overengineering or being prudent?

Sometimes the best solution for a tricky problem is the one you learned 30 years ago in College while earning your degree.

Dining Philosophers

For the record I'm using the Arbitrator Solution

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Matthew πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.