Every company I've ever worked in, we have always talked about what would we do if we lost a Key person / developer in the company.
It occurred to me today, that based on those many conversations we have had over the years, Programmers are really convinced that public transit busses are sent to earth by the Devil.
The loss scenario is always phrased as "What if they were hit by a bus?"
Why do programmers fear busses?
@XSGeek probably because the serial ones were so slow
It's not just programmers.
The intersection near my old office was badly designed, and there were frequent accidents there. I actually saw a coworker being put into an ambulance right after they got hit by a bus there. They did survive, and came back to work, but every time that phrase came up in terms of succession planning, their name got mentioned.
@XSGeek are there a lot of coworkers being thrown under buses. Maybe it's not the bus they fear 😱
@XSGeek we’ve been trying to shift to “win the lottery” so as not to imply death is the only escape.