@RickASamuelson looks a bit like Ed’s Diner in the UK - sadly I don’t think there are any left.
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/shooting-blast-reported-concert-hall-near-moscow-agencies-2024-03-22/ Horrible- wtf is going on?
Princess of Wales says she is undergoing cancer treatment https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68641441 I hope everybody will shut up and leave her alone now!
AI does something useful shocker! https://www.abdn.ac.uk/news/22964/#:~:text=An%20artificial%20intelligence%20(AI)%20breast,University%20of%20Aberdeen%20and%20Microsoft.
Amid a drought in recent years, the Dinosaur Valley State Park in Texas discovered dinosaur footprints that were historically covered by water and sediment. Experts dated them back to 113 million years ago.
The blues really stood out on this morning's walk. It was a coolish but beautiful start of the day.
@Maude We're screwed, aren't we?
https://chng.it/bjzKs2PPQ4 Make St George's Day a national holiday
@RickASamuelson I once saw them live - absolutely incredible.
Feisty pint-sized Venus! David Tennant fan, Roger Daltrey/Who fan, Actor (when I get the chance!) I'm a wheelchair user and sometimes an activist.