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Seriously, what’s with the hair

It’s hideous

It’s embarrassing

Every time, I repeat, EVERY TIME someone budges to right-wingers out of fear or a desire to appease them, the world stands to lose!

WTF, BBC?! WTF, Great Britain?!

Is Russia.
If it gets picked up my media their sales will triple just to “own the west”


Did anyone order The Aryan Race 2.0? Couse here it is.

Official press-release by Yves Rocher :

“Patriotic sentiments are stronger than ever. It is our duty to preserve and multiply the uniqueness and exclusivity of pure Russian beauty. The best genes from generation to generation have created a unique Russian phenotype which reflects the purity of Russian culture, a special and vivid example for those who have long lost their originality and exclusivity, WASTEFULLY MIXING GENES WITH OTHER PEOPLES."

No joke. Link:

Chief Editor of the scandalous RussiaToday channel (who'd lost broadcasting licenses in a number of countries for blatant abuses and demonstrably false "reporting") threatens to "hit Tbilisi, , with a direct missile strike if the protests don't stop".

How is it any of fascist 's damn business she never specified, or course. Her justification is a vague "they're joining up forces with the Evil West to harm us"

@Pohutukawa Stage 2 bladder cancer.
The medicine is called BCG-Medac (Germany), one ampule costs like EUR 500 and he needs 24 of them, and that's just for starters 😶

So my dad has his first successful surgery (on his cancer) and he’s having at least one more in a while.

That’s a bit of a relief, but the bad news is we can’t find the affordable medicine needed for the intermittent treatment, the ones available are unreachable, too expensive. He’ll have to undergo painful local procedures instead, or something

They may have figured out by now :)

It’s what happens next that matters

Yesterday night I opened the jogging season and I may have overestimated my recuperative powers 😳

Stages of dating:

1. Wondering why they’re single
2. Figuring out

@Frenchy4064 @TubunMuzuru
The Chief Editor of Hitler’s daily newspaper which promoted him before the elections was a ruskie bolshevik from actual Russia, an alum of a Moscow university

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Thomas Kalmich

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.