So my dad has his first successful surgery (on his cancer) and he’s having at least one more in a while.

That’s a bit of a relief, but the bad news is we can’t find the affordable medicine needed for the intermittent treatment, the ones available are unreachable, too expensive. He’ll have to undergo painful local procedures instead, or something

@Vonzales I'm sorry to hear deeply frustrating there's a medication too expensive to use! Can I ask what type of cancer your Dad is suffering from?


@Pohutukawa Stage 2 bladder cancer.
The medicine is called BCG-Medac (Germany), one ampule costs like EUR 500 and he needs 24 of them, and that's just for starters 😶

@Vonzales Just for starters! If it was the whole course, borrowing the money would be an option, I suppose...but how much life is worth shouldn't be a question anyone has to answer! Wishing your Dad much strength in this!!!

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