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Fascist media today: "Yesterday's 81 missile attack on was in retribution for their something something..." SHUT THE FUCK UP RUSSIA, who cares what excuses you make up for being a fascist shithole anymore?


Russkies saying now that THEY are the successors of the Roman's is probably based on their defeat of Germany (for which equally as much credit should be claimed by all other countries of the Allied Forces, really), which is exactly the same thought process as the Nazis used to display, and which is why I keep repeating that Russia Is A Fascist State.

Nazi Germany's philosophy was based around the idea of the Third Reich (the Third Rome) which was tightly connected to the idea of Germanic peoples being the highest human race on Earth, which was based on the idea that they were the ones who'd brought the Roman Empire down and thusly inherited all its greatness and have become their only true successor.


“We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it [the last four years], because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn’t really an upside to Trump.”

— Tucker Carlson (yes, that’s a real quote)

Fascist hit with missiles again last night.
Some have fallen in residential areas, more people were killed.
The nuclear plant in Zaporozhe has gone cold.
Power outages in Odessa, Kyiv and other major cities.

I don’t want to hear no whining when missiles start falling on Moscow. Just STFU

If you think your job is pointless, there’s a guy somewhere at a factory in Germany who puts turning signals in BMWs

@Songbird1 @ecksmc
Do it through the police. That’s the surest way.
Your testimony might help them too.

A thought just struck me.
About real life were-people, who constantly deceive us into thinking they are what they aren’t.
Why aren’t we outraged about them? We’re the ones being lied to.
Why all the outrage about the trans people? If you believe they’re lying to themselves about what they are — so what? How does that harm you, namely? It doesn’t.
We should direct our resentment towards the liars that parade around wearing their best “straight” clothes and faces. Because they lie to us.

@TiarePalau @thedisasterautist @TubunMuzuru
They should have tried to calm their dear friend's tits down then before he plunged his dumb ass head first into this mess.

China says “it’s as if an invisible hand is prolonging this war in pursuit of its covert interests”.

What peculiar sense of vision the Chinese leadership has, they can’t notice the very visible hand that’s attacking Ukraine but they can see an invisible hand.

The fact that Tommy DeVito never said “Funny how?” to Kevin McAllister is one of the biggest missed opportunities in cinema history

“If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this,
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.”

They had the weirdest pickup lines back in the day, huh

Who’s your childhood’s unfunniest funny man? To me, it’s this guy

Sure, keep talking to Alfred, speed up his transition to HALfred 9000 😈

If they’d paid half as much for mine it would untangle a lot knots in my life lol

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Thomas Kalmich

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.