I'm having a ton of trouble being motivated today. I know a big part of it is procrastination due to overwhelm.
Hey, #cosonauts, what do you do to jump start your motivation?
@mcfate I do that too! :) But you ever have a situation where even the small pieces feel huge?
I know I just need to buckle down and do *something*. Success breeds motivation and all that.
But, man, it's a struggle today!
There's got to be a point where I can do SOMETHING, even if it's at the level of "Get a pencil. Get a piece of paper."
re: lack of motivation.
sometimes i just go ahead and start something anyway, paying attention to, and challenging, the feeling of aversion at its root.
very often the positive motivation comes with the activity, not before it. as i get into whatever it is.
I divide large things up into small pieces.