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Happy Anniversary . Although, I have it in my calendar as Nov. 16. I want to thank y’all for supporting each other, and more specifically, this Chimp, over the last 3 years. Much love always to @th3j35t3r and everyone that created a space to meet, support, and encourage one another. Much love y’all.

I was apparently more prepared for a pandemic than some (spotted while scrolling to my first Toot):

Happy Birthday, CoSo! I was late to the party, but I'm hanging around 🙂

Here was my first toot:

Just deleted facebook (ok, deleted my account from fb). Liberating.

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Happy Birthday, CoSo!!!! Thank you @th3j35t3r for creating such a great place for us all ❤️

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COSO Moody Monday theme, Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes style

Lift Us Up Where We Belong


What an awesome way to end my day. Good night CoSoNauts!

@annamousse I have the green goddess. Used only once so far. Need to try it as actual salad dressing.

Pick something to be collectively enraged about in 2022.

Some options:
• too many toothpaste choices.
• Sticky granola bars.
• Electric things that use different batteries and chargers -- because you always lose only the charger OR the battery

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what I love about CoSo --- in the span of 30 seconds, a photo of the interior of the Dragon SpaceX capsule post-launch, a beautiful photo of a river/brook cascading over rocks, a Thanksgiving dinner update, and a game-winning reception by Deandre Hopkins --- tell me where else you can find this?!

@ehurtley SpaceX has been proving the reusablity launch after launch. Started without the legacy albatrosses but with all the engineering chops and then some.

@annamousse OMG. How did I not know this blend was a thing? Adding it to my next Penzey's list.

Hand-mixed from: ancho chili pepper, black pepper, onion, garlic, paprika, spices, cumin, citric acid, Mexican oregano, cilantro, lemon peel, chipotle pepper, red pepper, jalapeño, cocoa and natural smoke flavoring.

@Anemone gee, thanks. Now there's another thing to keep me up at night 🙄

Another Penzey's Spices win: Pico Fruta blend, hot smoked paprika and sea salt rubbed on tuna steak, seared to just blackened on the outside. 😋

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