Some of you here have been saying we should not be offering fig leaves or any other reaching out to Repubs given their, to us, reprehensible behavior...

But I don't know how you effectively govern within a democratic republic without reaching out and building coalitions.


The situation presents a clear example of why we need independence between branches of government. One hand governs, regardless of or in coalition with ideologies, while the other investigates and prosecutes crime - - again without focus on political ideologies. No executive directives, no sacred cows, no preferential treatment.


Ah yes, if only we had people in government who truly thought of America first rather than their part of America.

But we don't reward that kind of statesmanship...

@Vanitas And as I was typing that, I had the thought that we seldom anymore, due to 24/7 media coverage, allow the time necessary for effective change to occur.

we make a law today, and if it doesn't change the entire world by tomorrow, we are disappointed.

At no other time in our history have we been encumbered this way...


@Madken65 Too true. We see this rot of short term thinking everywhere: government, housing construction, extractive resource industries. And we not only tolerate short term thinking, we laud it. I got mine! Anyone who dares ask "but at what or whose cost?" is derided, or at best ignored.

Ok, enough gloomy morning thoughts from me. Time to get my day in gear. Thank you for your summaries of the day's news and thoughts. Always appreciated.

@Vanitas You're welcome, thank you for making me think more deeply about an issue...

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