@elbutterfield Then the Democrats need to prepare to lose and lose big. Joe should have kept his word and bowed out after one term.
@MidnightRider I agree with David Jolly on this particular point. "With news of a Biden withdrawal growing nigh, victorious Washington Dems are risking a serious miscalculation. The loyal members of the pro-democracy Biden-led coalition who are not and will likely never be Democrats didn't sign up for Dem machinery politics."
@elbutterfield Every Democrat signs up for that machinery. Here I will shock you even more, Adam Kinzinger should cross party lines and run against Trump.
Agreed, and worse than that this public sabotaging is a sign of complete weakness, if any push should be made it should be private, and every single person suggesting it should have a ready candidate suggestion and polling for that candidate Vs T, they should all privately discuss it and never say a word publicly, because in politics, only weak losers publicly do circular firing squads shooting their winning candidate in the face to Repub glee.
@MidnightRider @elbutterfield
Republicans are loving this. And the bad part about that is, polling is consistently inaccurate and Biden has a very motivated Dem base that is busting their hump for him, and a solidly determined majority vote, regardless of polls. Dems have been avoiding polls since R's started using "hacked" (read: purchased or given) poll information to target Dems for either recruitment, or harassment, or hacking, or dial up phone scams, or intimidation.
@MidnightRider @elbutterfield