Trump is the vile American alive. He is actively politicizing natural disasters in attempt to win.
In my life I have never seen this.
He has zero empathy. He wants Americans to die if it helps him win.
This is horrible. It’s not funny. It’s not cool. It’s disgusting. COVID was not a one-off. This is who he is: a monster.
Vote Democrat. Vote against a man who would rather Americans die to help HIMSELF.
I’m in Canada; sometimes borders are meaningless.
I have a friend in the US who, before Roe v Wade was repealed used to help fund abortion clinics. Now she is funding pre natal care clinics.
She wants to get information from a state where abortion is still legal to women in states where it is not. Particularly aimed to racialized/Latinx women.
She’s thinking radio ads in Spanish.
Any ideas out there how to reach womem who may listen to radio and not have internet (due to lack of $)?
Woo! Sold an SF essay this morning. Not the same as an SF story, but it's a good warm-up to getting more fiction back out in queue - and I do love celebrating histories in this genre.
Still have to finish a book review today, though, and then deal with an unpleasant slice of US history for Rewind Wednesday.
Errands first--and one other person who sent me a series of frantic messages late last night proooobably needs a reply sometime soon. 🤦♂️
Hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe. 💛
I'm expecting Dickless to start telling people that hurricanes never happened when HE was in office.
Its corrupt as hell, anti-democratic and there isn't a blue argument for keeping it. Popular voting would kill the GOP in one cycle.
Walz says the Electoral College ‘needs to go’
His comments are a painful reminder for Democrats of 2016, when Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes but fell short of the 270 votes she needed in the Electoral College and lost to Donald Trump.
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German, left Brexit island after more than a decade, now living in sunny Athens/Greece
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